Our Pledge
I pledge to grow, share, give
and care
With each and every stride
To guide my waking moments
Towards goals that give me
To outwardly be the person
I know I am inside
To be a Connecticut Junior.

The Junior Woman's Club of Milford has been serving the community for 50 years as of 2018! We sponsor various social and personal enrichment programs for women and children as well as the presentation of fun family-oriented fundraisers - such as Touch-a-Truck.
Our Leaders for the 2023-2024 JWC Year
Co-Presidents - Kelsey Robinette & Jennifer Esposito Flyte
1st VP of Membership- Tracy Jenkins & Catherine Callahan Blanchard
1st VP Ways and Means- Courtney Watson-Swift & Samantha Markham
Treasurer- Stacy Olson
Correspondence Secretary- Tammy Agria
Recording Secretary- Amanda Parvis Lanzo
Social Media- Mayra De La Cruz